Welcome to Problem Solver Central, your go-to resource for tackling all your spa and hot tub water care challenges. Whether you're dealing with eye and skin irritation, unpleasant odors, chalky scale deposits, or cloudy water, we have the perfect solutions to restore your spa’s health. Our carefully curated collections target specific issues, offering powerful treatments for scum buildup, brown or green water, and excessive foaming. From balancing pH and alkalinity to preventing mineral buildup, our products ensure your spa water stays clean, clear, and safe for long-term enjoyment. Explore our problem-solving collections and take the hassle out of hot tub maintenance!

Find Solutions To Everyday Problems

Problem Solver: Brown Water

Combat scum buildup caused by oils, lotions, and detergents from bathers. This collection provides powerful enzymes and cleaners that dissolve scum and prevent further accumulation, keeping your waterline spotless.

Possible Cause: High iron or manganese content

Solution: Add mineral neutralizer to sequester minerals in the water.

Preventative Maintenance: Test pH and total alkalinity and maintain proper levels. A mineral neutralizer should be used each time the spa is filled.

Problem Solver: Clear, Green Water

Restore crystal-clear water by treating dissolved copper or iron with this collection. These products are designed to balance minerals and prevent discoloration, ensuring your spa stays vibrant and clean.

Possible Cause: High iron or manganese content

Solution: Add mineral neutralizer to sequester minerals in the water. Check pH Level.

Preventative Maintenance: Test pH and total alkalinity and maintain proper levels. A mineral neutralizer should be used each time the spa is filled.

Problem Solver: Cloudy Water

Solve cloudy water issues with this collection of balancing chemicals, filter cleaners, and clarifiers. Whether the cause is pH imbalance, dirty filters, or calcium buildup, these products will restore your water to perfect clarity.

Possible Cause: Total alkalinity or pH out of balance

Solution: Test water and adjust total alkalinity and pH as necessary.

Preventative Maintenance: Maintain a pH of 7.2 – 7.8 and total alkalinity of 80 – 120 ppm.


Possible Cause: Dirty filter

Solution: Use a filter cleaner on a monthly basis.

Preventative Maintenance: Clean your filter monthly or even more often depending on hot tub usage.


Possible Cause: Calcium too high

Solution: Treat spa water with stain & scale defense product.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a stain & scale defense product weekly to prevent scale formation, aid in the removal of existing scale and to help prevent precipitation of dissolved solids in spas or hot tubs.


Possible Cause: Excessive organic contaminants or lack of sanitizer

Solution: Shock oxidize. Check and adjust sanitizer level.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a shock oxidizer weekly as part of your weekly maintenance.


Possible Cause: Buildup of unfilterable material

Solution: Use a water clarifier.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a water clarifier as part of your maintenance program.

Problem Solver: Cloudy, Green Water

If your spa water has turned cloudy and green, this collection provides quick solutions to boost sanitizer levels and remove contaminants. Keep your spa water clear and healthy with weekly maintenance.

Possible Cause: Low sanitizer level

Solution: Shock oxidize. Check and adjust sanitizer level.

Preventative Maintenance: Maintain a sanitizer level of 3-5 ppm.

Problem Solver: Excessive Foaming

Fight unwanted foaming in your hot tub with products that remove body oils, cosmetics, and detergents. This collection offers foam reducers and treatments to keep your spa water pristine, along with preventative care options for long-term enjoyment.

Possible Cause: Buildup of body oils, cosmetics and detergents from bathers

Solution: Add a defoamer to your water. Shock oxidize and then check and adjust your sanitizer level.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a shock oxidizer as part of your weekly maintenance program.


Possible Cause: Calcium hardness is too low

Solution: Add a calcium booster to obtain 150-400 ppm calcium level in the water.

Preventative Maintenance: When adding make-up water or freshly filling the spa, have the calcium level tested.


Possible Cause: Large amount of Total Dissolved Solids

Solution: Change spa water.

Preventative Maintenance: Drain and refill water at least once every 90 days.

Problem Solver: Eye/Skin Irritation

Keep your spa water balanced to prevent irritation caused by improper pH or alkalinity levels and organic contaminants. This collection includes essential products to help maintain the perfect balance and keep your water safe for your skin and eyes.

Possible Cause: Total alkalinity or pH out of balance

Solution: Test water and adjust total alkalinity and pH as necessary.

Preventative Maintenance: Maintain a pH of 7.2 – 7.8 and total alkalinity of 80 – 120 ppm.


Possible Cause: Chloramines or excessive organic contaminants

Solution: Shock oxidize. Check and adjust sanitizer level.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a shock oxidizer weekly as part of your maintenance program.

Problem Solver: Scum Deposit on Waterline

Combat scum buildup caused by oils, lotions, and detergents from bathers. This collection provides powerful enzymes and cleaners that dissolve scum and prevent further accumulation, keeping your waterline spotless.

Possible Cause: Oils, lotions and detergents from bathers have caused buildup

Solution: Clean scum line with a rag. Use a water treatment product in accordance with the instructions on the bottle.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a water treatment product weekly as part of your maintenance program.

Problem Solver: Water Odor

Eliminate unpleasant odors in your hot tub by using effective shock treatments and maintaining proper sanitizer levels. This collection offers solutions that oxidize organic contaminants, leaving your spa water fresh and clean.

Possible Cause: Excessive organic contaminants

Solution: Shock oxidize. Check and adjust sanitizer level.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a shock oxidizer weekly as part of your weekly maintenance.

Problem Solver: White Scale Deposits

Prevent and remove unsightly scale deposits caused by unbalanced water or high mineral content. This collection contains products that protect your spa from scale buildup and ensure long-term water balance.

Possible Cause: Water out of balance

Solution: Check water balance with test strips and adjust as necessary.

Preventative Maintenance: Keep your spa water balanced by making sure it is within the following recommended ranges: pH 7.2-7.8, total alkalinity 80-120 ppm and calcium hardness 150-400 ppm.


Possible Cause: High mineral content in water

Solution: Treat spa water with stain & scale defense product.

Preventative Maintenance: Use a stain & scale defense product weekly to prevent scale formation, aid in the removal of existing scale and to help prevent precipitation of dissolved solids in spas or hot tubs.