Problem Solver: Eye/Skin Irritation

Keep your spa water balanced to prevent irritation caused by improper pH or alkalinity levels and organic contaminants. This collection includes essential products to help maintain the perfect balance and keep your water safe for your skin and eyes.

Possible Cause: Total alkalinity or pH out of balance
Solution: Test water and adjust total alkalinity and pH as necessary.
Preventative Maintenance: Maintain a pH of 7.2 – 7.8 and total alkalinity of 80 – 120 ppm.

Possible Cause: Chloramines or excessive organic contaminants
Solution: Shock oxidize. Check and adjust sanitizer level.
Preventative Maintenance: Use a shock oxidizer weekly as part of your maintenance program.

ProTeam Spa Alkalinity Up
From $5.99
SpaGuard Enhanced Shock
From $21.99
SpaPure Alkalinity Increaser
From $5.99